― 「こどもの歯科矯正」 公的医療保険の国際比較OECD加盟国


 我が国の歯科医療は,世界でも公的医療保障が最も高い国の一つとされているが,歯科矯正に限るとその適用範囲は先天性疾患や外科手術を要する場合に限局されており,その医療としてのあり方や学問体系,国民の公平性に関し,諸外国と比較するとたいへん異質な国家であると言える.こどもの発達段階における歯や歯列,顎顔面の位置・大きさの異常という疾病(WHO国際疾病分類 K07.0~K07.6, p.69-71)に対する歯科矯正医療の必要性は,学校歯科検診において評価され通知はされているが,何らかのステークホルダーによって議論が進んでおらず,健やかな成長へと誘導する歯科矯正医療をすべての子ども(国際的には18才以下を子どもとするが,我が国では児童・生徒)が公平に享受できる公的医療保険の適用には至っていない.こうした社会経済的負担の障壁から生じる歯科矯正医療へのアクセスの不平等は,結果として歯科医療全体,すなわち国民の口腔環境意識へも波及しており,口腔の健康増進を阻む社会的決定要因となっていないだろうか?



下表 TableA.16 は,2016年の文献1)に 2022年の文献2)の記載を追加改変.

OECD加盟国以外は 2010年の3) からこちらへ記載した.☛ ヨーロッパ諸国の歯科矯正医療:公的医療保険の現状(2010)





 1) OECD health Working Papers No. 90 (2016) How OECD health systems define the range of good and services to be financed collectively

 2) Oral health care in Europe: Financing, access and provision, Health Systems in Transition vol.24 No.2 2022

 3) European Orthodontic Health Insurances, June, 2010. European Federation of Orthodontic Specialists Associations Committee of European Health Insurances(日本語訳)


矯正歯科専門医の役割は誰のためにあるのか? その目的と意義は何か? 国民への平等な医療提供体制,口腔の健康格差の是正はいかにあるべきか?



・健康は人権であるという視点.生存権 健康権 生命権 幸福追求権 子ども権利条約




 歯列不正・不正咬合と健康: well-being 上の健康格差のある医療領域

    健康:肉体的,精神的,社会的,すべてが満たされた状態 well-being


Table A.16. Coverage of interventions which are at the frontier between health and cosmeics: Orthodontics

表 A.16. 健康と美容の境界領域 におけるOECD加盟国の医療保険:歯科矯正

☛  腫瘍摘出後の乳房再建,不妊治療,禁煙補助,眼科屈折障害,肥満手術は別表参照のこと.我が国の状況は下部記載.



Are orthodontic treatments in children covered by basic health insurance?


Is supplementary health insurance available?


Was orthodontics treatment in children subject to HTA?





Not available

Not available


Yes, maximum age of 9, only covered for correction of: frontal and lateral cross bite, frontal and lateral duress bite, position of incisor as prevention of anterior traumata, lack of space

during the changing of teeth.

Not available

Not available


Yes, covered in some cases in some provinces and territories and coverage conditions vary by region.

PHIs are available but the coverage varies by plan.

Not available



Yes, by some private health insurers


Czech Republic

Yes, limited or partial coverage depending on a specific model of the aid based on a

recommendation by physician

Not available



Yes, covered for children under 18 years

Not available

Not available


Yes, covered for children up to 16 and up to 6 semesters.

Not available

Not available



Not available

Not available


Yes, prescription of physician, depending on the medical condition (for example: facial malformation, cancer, trauma)

Not available

Not available


Yes, covered by low fixed sum for each case

Not available




Limited coverage by supplementary private health insurance schemes.

Yes, for congenital facial/dental defect treatments


Yes, only limited to care before and after occlusal abnormality or jaw deformity (only restricted to those which require surgeries such as jaw disarticulation) which are designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.


Not available




Not available

Not available


Yes, a prior authorisation except for two services from the CMSS is mandatory. Dental impressions are only reimbursed three times in five years, not exceeding once a year. The treatment has to be performed before the age of 18.

Not available

Not available



No, it is normally not covered. Orthodontic treatments in children are only remunerated if the parents are insured for dental care and a child has very severe developmental/growth disturbances of the tooth/jaw/mouth, for which treatment of other disciplines than dental care is necessary.


Some health insurers do offer osteopathy remuneration in supplementary private health insurance schemes. The amount of services remunerated and the changes in premium differs between insurers.



Yes, covered mainly for patients up to 20 years, based on specific criteria, financed by a combination of State remuneration system and patient payment.

Not available

Not available


Yes, covered for children up to 12 years old, orthodontic treatment with removable appliances

Not available

Not available




Defined in Regulation of CHI






Not available



Yes, covered by invalidity insurance for children and adolescents up to 20 years.



Yes, SSI pays 1/3 of the cost of orthodontic treatments for those under 18 years of age.

Not available

Not available

United Kingdom

Yes, when clinical decision is made by physician

Not available

Not available

United States

Medicaid: 21才まで.州により適用基準には若干の違いあり.アメリカ矯正歯科学会の推奨する「医学的に必要な矯正歯科治療」基準は以下参照.

1. Overjet: 9 mm or more.
2. Reverse overjet: 3.5 mm or more.
3. Anterior and/or posterior crossbite of 3 or more teeth per arch.
4. Lateral or anterior open bite: 2 mm or more; of 4 or more teeth per arch.
5. Impinging overbite with evidence of occlusal contact into the opposing soft tissue.
6. Impactions where eruption is impeded but extraction is not indicated (excluding third molars).
7. Jaws and/or dentition which are profoundly affected by a congenital or developmental disorder (craniofacial anomalies), trauma or pathology.
8. Congenitally missing teeth (excluding third molars) of at least one tooth per quadrant.
9. Crowding or spacing of 10 mm or more, in either the maxillary or mandibular arch (excluding 3rd molars).

3.2.2 Medicaid Additional Criteria Covered

The following criteria for functionally impairing occlusal conditions apply when cases are reviewed for Medicaid orthodontic approval. The probability for approval is increased when two or more of the following criteria exist:
a. Severe skeletal condition that may require a combination of orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery to correct (beneficiary’s age and the direction of growth are also considered);
b. Severe anterior-posterior occlusal discrepancy (severe Class II or Class III dental malocclusion);
c. Posterior crossbite of three or more teeth per arch;
d. Anterior crossbite of three or more teeth per arch;
e. True anterior open bite: 2 mm or more; of four or more teeth per arch;
f. Significant posterior open bite: 2 mm or more; of four or more teeth per arch (not involving primary teeth, partially erupted teeth, or one or two teeth slightly out of occlusion);
g. Impinging overbite with evidence of occlusal contact into the opposing soft tissue (lower incisors must be causing tissue trauma);
h. Overjet (excessive protrusion 6 mm or greater);
i. Crowding greater than 6 mm in either arch that must be moderate to severe and functionally intolerable over a long period of time (such as occlusal disharmony or gingival recession secondary to severe crowding);
j. Impactions where eruption is impeded with a good prognosis of being brought into the arch;
k. Excessive spacing of 10 mm or more, in either the maxillary or mandibular arch (excluding third molars), or 8 mm or greater from mesial of cuspid to mesial of cuspid. Any space that will remain for prosthodontic or implant replacement cannot be included in the measurements for meeting spacing criteria;
l. Two or more congenitally missing teeth (excluding third molars) of at least one tooth per quadrant;
m. Occlusal condition that exhibits a profound impact from a congenital or developmental disorder (craniofacial anomaly), severe trauma, or pathology;
n. Psychological and emotional factors causing psychosocial inhibition to the normal pursuits of life (requires supporting documentation of pre-existing condition from a licensed mental health professional specializing in child psychology or child psychiatry); or
o. Potential that all problems will worsen.

Not available


Not available


   → ドイツ は下表参照


☛ 日本の平均寿命,健康寿命は世界一である.しかし長寿であること=健康なのだろうか? 世界の幸福度指数調査(2022 World Hapiness Report )では,146カ国中54位(OECD加盟38カ国では33位)であり,長寿は幸福の指標の一つに過ぎず,日本の順位は長年変わっていないのも事実である.well-being について.

☛ 2022 World Hapiness Report をOECD加盟国,EU加盟国を抜粋

☛ 歯列矯正の社会的・精神的側面からの健康 well-being について,諸外国の現状と比較検討する.

☛ 従来型の生物医学モデル(現在の日本)から,生物社会心理モデル(欧米諸国)としての医療(歯科矯正




Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

健康とは、病気ではないとか、弱っていないということではなく、肉体的にも、精神的にも、そして社会的にも、すべてが満たされた状態 well-being にあることをいいます。 




OECD health Working Papers No. 90 (2016)

How OECD health systems define the range of good and services to be financed collectively





☛ 2014年 腹腔鏡下スリーブ状胃切除術の保険適用.6か月以上の内科的治療によっても十分な効果が得られないBMI35以上の患者で糖尿病高血圧症脂質異常症閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症候群のうち1つ以上を合併している



☛ 2006年(平成18)9才未満の小児の弱視、斜視および先天白内障術後の屈折矯正の治療用として用いる眼鏡およびコンタクトレンズ(以下「治療用眼鏡等」という)の作成費用が保険適用 


☛ 2006年 一定の基準を満たす患者の禁煙治療に関して保険適用


☛ 2022年 不妊治療に保険適用.

腫瘍摘出後の乳房再建(Table A.14)

☛ 2013年7月 乳がんで乳房切除術(全摘術)後の乳房再建に限り保険適用
    2018年 「乳腺腫瘍に対する乳房切除術」が追加.良性腫瘍にも適用.
    2020年 「遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群患者に対する乳房切除術」が追加.


☛ 1982年 唇顎口蓋裂の保険導入

  1990年 顎変形症の保険導入

  1995年 学校歯科健診に歯並びの項目が追加

  1996年 顎口腔機能診断施設基準の追加

  2018年 前歯3歯以上の永久歯萠出不全に起因した咬合異常(埋伏歯開窓術を必要とするものに限る。)

  XXXX  ☛ 「子どもの歯科矯正」 への保険適用は? OECD加盟国の状況は上記参照









HTA: Health technology Assessment 医療技術評価 とは.ウィキペディアより






  欧州医療技術評価ネットワーク: EUnetHTA

  英国国立医療技術評価機構 NICE: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

  ドイツ医療品質効率性研究機構 IQWiG: Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen

  中央社会保険医療協議会 診療報酬調査専門組織(医療技術評価分科会)

  中央社会保険医療協議会 費用対効果評価専門部会


   Table A.17. Coverage of dental care and prosthesis


Is dental care and/or dental prosthesis covered by basic health insurance?


Not covered and no Medicare subsidies for private dental services but covered by some PHIs.






Dental care and prostheses are not typically covered unless deemed medically necessary but for certain groups (e.g., low-income residents and seniors), most provincial and territorial governments cover a range of supplementary benefits related to dental care, that are not covered under the Canada Health Act. Individuals and families who do not qualify for publicly funded coverage may be covered for dental care under an employment-based group insurance plan, or buy private insurance.


Patients insured under FONASA are covered for dental care and prosthesis while publicly insured patients with free choice of provider are not. People insured with one of the private insurance companies of the ISAPOREs, also generally do not have coverage for dental care or prostheses, but insurers often offer preferential prices following certain agreements. In addition, the GES Programme (Explicit Health Guarantees) includes the coverage of dental care to some populations, such as children below age 6, pregnant women and older people age 60 and over.

Czech Republic

Covered but a range of covered dental services is limited. For some types of dental procedures, patients must obtain permission from a review doctor working for their health insurance fund in order to qualify for coverage.


Prostheses are covered for children. Dental surgery and treatment and prostheses are covered for patients carrying certain diseases or in particular need of treatment (nursing home and long term hospital patients). Prosthesis is generally not covered although there is some coverage for persons not developing teeth as they grow up and for persons having lost their teeth traumatically as a consequence of certain



Dental care is covered for the insured over 63 years of age and persons eligible for an old-age pension. Dental care is also covered for persons with a greater need for dental treatment because of a particular condition, persons eligible for a work incapacity pension, pregnant women and mothers of children up to 1 year of age.






Covered and include a wide range of services such as conservative dental treatment, surgical treatment, x-rays, crowns, bridges and prostheses. Orthodontic is also covered.






Dental care and prostheses are covered for children, seniors and those with vulnerable medical conditions.


Oral examination and emergency dental treatment including extractions and complex treatments are covered and denture repairs are covered where justified as an emergency treatment. Oral examination is limited to once every calendar year and fillings up to 2 fillings per year. Wider range of dental treatment is covered for high risk patients i.e. those with special needs and those with greater clinical needs and for instance, dentures are covered subject to approval based on clinical necessity or emergency circumstances. Some PHIs offer plans that include emergency and non-emergency dental care.


Dental care and prostheses are covered for children under 12 and people with vulnerable medical conditions. PHIs are also available


Emergency care for dental infections is covered and so as dental care and prostheses for children up to 16. Dental care and prostheses are also covered for designated groups of people with particularly vulnerable conditions (e.g. serious cardiovascular diseases, drug addiction, disabilities and rare diseases) and the low income. Some regions and local health authorities cover extra dental and prostheses services.


Covered and include a wide range of services such as conservative dental treatment, surgical treatment, x-rays, crowns, bridges and prostheses.


Dental care is covered and prosthesis is covered for the elderly




The public health insurance fund Seguro Popular with the coverage of about half of the population cover certain dental treatments but not prostheses. Social Security does not cover dental care.


Basic dental care is covered but the coverage is restricted to specialist dental care in hospitals which include prostheses. Dental care is covered up to age 22 and specialist dental care and prostheses are covered for older people. PHIs are also available.

New Zealand

Dental care is covered for children under 18. Emergency dental treatment at hospitals or with approved dental contractors is covered for low to middle income population who are entitled to Community Services Card.

PHIs are also available.


Surgical interventions and cleansing in the case of gum disease/periodontitis are covered. Dental care and prostheses are covered for children up to age 20, patients in nursing homes, persons who receive health care at home and those with certain medical conditions. Orthodontic treatment can be also covered based on the condition. But prosthesis is generally not covered although there is some coverage for persons not developing teeth as they grow up and for persons having lost their teeth traumatically as a consequence of certain

diseases or accidents.


Covered but a range of covered dental services is limited. For example, one lower and one upper acrylic prosthesis is covered every five years. But orthodontic is also covered for children up to 18. Prosthesis is generally not covered although there is some coverage for persons not developing teeth as they grow up and for persons having lost their teeth

traumatically as a consequence of certain diseases.


Dental care is covered for children up to 16, pregnant women and people living with HIV/AIDS. Dental care and prostheses are also covered for low income elderly but they are covered for dental prosthetic every three years. Each occupation- or profession-based health insurance schemes called subsystems defines its own list of eligible dental treatments.




The following treatments are covered:

  • Treatment of acute odontologic processes

  • Preventive examination of oral cavity in pregnant women

  • Preventive and assistance measures for children (application of topical fluoride, obturations, sealing of cracks)

  • Dental implants for patients undergoing oncological processes that

imply loss of teeth or congenital malformations




Dental care is covered only in very exceptional cases, e.g. if dental treatment is pat of another treatment, or if dental problems are caused

by another disease).


Covered and services include inpatient and outpatient oral health care, such as oral and dental examinations, diagnostic tests and procedures, medical interventions and treatments after diagnosis, tooth extraction, conservative dental treatment and endodontic treatment, follow-up services, oral prosthesis and emergency services. Orthodontic is also

covered for children up to 18 years old.

United Kingdom

Dental care and prostheses are covered for children, seniors, the low income and pregnant women in England but in Scotland, dental examinations and treatment are covered.

United States

Most Medicare and Medicaid programmes include dental care and prostheses and dental care are also covered depending on health

insurance funds.

Note: The table only includes information from responding countries. Source: 2012 OECD Health System Characteristics Survey